Advisory Board

To assist the Director there is both a Swedish and an international advisory board. Their composition can be seen below. Each mandate period is three years, and one can serve a maximum of 3 + 3 years in a row.

Swedish Advisory Board


Solveig Jülich, Professor, History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University.

Anders Houltz, Associate Professor, History of Science and Technology. Head of research at Centre for Business history.

Hjalmar Fors, Associate Professor, History of Science and Ideas. Head of unit at Hagströmerbiblioteket, Karolinska Institutet.


Sven Widmalm, Professor, History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University. FRSAS X (2012).


Thomas Kaiserfeld, Professor in History of Ideas and Sciences, Lund University.

Gunnar Wetterberg, chair, PhD hc. FRSAS X (2010).

Johan Kärnfelt, Ass. Professor, History of Ideas, Gothenburg University.

Adjunct member

Hans Ellegren, Professor in Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala University. Permanent Secretary RSAS. FRSAS VI (2010).

International Advisory Board


Rainer Godel, Professor, Dr. Head of Leopoldina’s Centre for Science Studies, Halle

Brigitte van Tiggelen, Dr. Director of International Affairs at Science History Institutes, Paris.

Trienke van der Spek, Chief Science Curator at Teylers Museum, Haarlem.


Keith Moore, Head Librarian at Royal Society (London).


Isabelle Charmantier, PhD, Head of collections, Linnean Society, London.

Christian Joas, PhD, Director, Niels Bohr Archives, Copenhagen.